I just saw my first bumblebee of the year feeding on the citrus-scented blooms of our winter honeysuckle. Chances are the thin sunshine encouraged her to wake from hibernation and topped with sugar she’ll be on the lookout for a new nesting site, amongst the roots of a tree or even under our shed.
The encounter was wonderful but what it means is even more magical.
Spring isn’t a date etched into a calendar. It’s a moment of Mother Nature’s choosing. And the thrum of this brave bee’s wings heralds that it’s already here!
This spring there is more to look forward to than ever – and on the Festival front more to do. Tickets are on sale shortly, there are so many new exhibitors to write up and a new more spacious layout of stalls and attractions to map and mark out.
Mother Nature has spoken and that, my gardening friends, means we’ll be back together soon!
Toby x