Home » News » Lovely Plot aka Olga Wojciechowska is back!

Lovely Plot aka Olga Wojciechowska is back!

Inspirational writer and allotmenteer Olga returns to our Fest speaker line-up, sharing her knowledge, enthusiasm and tricks for a productive and pretty allotment. As anyone who has checked out her @lovely_plot accounts on X or Insta, will know, Olga is a breath of joyous fresh air and someone who loves colour and creativity.

She’s also a gardener who loves encouraging wildlife especially pollinators and will be trading in the Castle Courtyard with Husband Mark on their Black Dog Honey bees stand.


Selling a delicious range of honey, beeswax products and plants for pollinators, plus a display of live bees (safely behind glass!) their stand is a must see!
Catch up with Mark who is giving a guide to beekeeping and explaining the qualities of different types of honey in the Food , Drink Devon Pavilion on Friday and Saturday. Olga speaks on our main stage on Saturday.
About Mark Grieves – Black Dog Honey Bees
Bee Farmer and bee breeder in Plymouth, producing honey, beeswax products, and selected queens, making colonies from own stock.
Member of the Bee Farmers Association and Chair of the Plymouth Branch of the Devon Beekeepers’ Association.
About Lovely Plot aka Olga Wojciechowska
Allotment gardener, garden writer and columnist.
Loves faffing with flowers, getting distracted by insects and DIY.
Growing organic fruit and veggies since 2013, always hunting for bargains and sharing top tips on how to make allotments not only practical but beautiful too.

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