But then we knew that already didn’t we? Now though, botanicals are everywhere, from the latest designer dresses to wallpaper and cushions and the best artisan gins. Whether potted, planted, indoors or out, as bedroom decor or on your plate, we just can’t get enough of them. The Economist recently declared 2019 the Year of the Vegan as record numbers ditched meat in favour of veggies and plants featured in not one but two of Pinterest’s top trends for 2019, the craze for succulents as house plants and vertical green walls made of plants.
Of course we’re never slackers in the plant stakes, with more than 100 nurseries and garden-related nurseries already booked to join us, including many old favourites Floyds Climbers, Atlantic Botanic, Lilies & Chillies, Whetman Pinks and new ones including Burnham Orchids. (The full list will be online soon we promise!)
Plant-based diets are always catered for but this year Lemon Jelli have pulled out all the stops and are focussing just on vegan crepes including a very tasty-sounding banana, maple, pecan and coconut crème (get behind us in the queue…). Our VIPs are being treated to a vegetarian feast courtesy of Devon chefs Feniton foods and we always take care to show who does what on our brochure so vegan and vegetarian fare is easy to find.
Plants take centre stage for the talks this year too, with Joe Swift and Frances focussing on everything green and flowery, and Frances is talking on ‘What Plant Where’. We’re also introducing a new Country Gardener Talks Tent down near the lake hosted by all our knowledgeable nurserypeople, on a range of specialist plant topics including peonies, orchids, bulbs and coastal/drought-tolerant plants. Lots more details of that to come…
So it’s plants a-plenty, more than you can shake a stick at! If you can’t get enough of them, don’t miss out – get your tickets here!