We know things may still look and feel a bit different at our 11-12th June show this year, but despite the restrictive measures being eased as we go through the spring and into the summer we will be doing everything to keep our visitors, exhibitors and staff safe.
We will update these guidelines over the coming weeks.
To support NHS Test and Trace we’re asking all visitors to download the NHS Test and Trace APP. App Store link here
* There will be plenty of signage around the castle grounds, so be careful of your own safety and of those around you – we want everyone to have a great day out and stay safe
* Face coverings will be mandatory in any indoor or marquee areas but voluntary elsewhere on the festival site
* We strongly advise pre-booking your tickets, as it will reduce queues and contact with staff at the entrance
* Please maintain 2m distancing in any queues and 1m plus around the grounds
* There will be hand sanitising stations around the showground, including at the entrance gate, each of the toilet blocks, the food area and the entrance to each marquee
* Our festival staff will be continuously cleaning and disinfecting all tables, chairs and benches around the site
There will be a larger than normal number of toilet blocks which will be continuously monitored
* There will be an Information board at the entrance, and several others around the site – these will have a map of the showground on them which will help you to locate all the facilities (please note: we won’t be having show guides this year)
* All rubbish bins will be left open so that visitors do not have to touch the lids
We look forward to welcoming you to the show.